Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Upper case doesn't matter

There is a world
of poetry
Usually accompanied by
brief spells of rain
or french songs
a cup of tea after
the sun rise.

That world
talks most
of love
A love I don't feel
everyday, anymore.
I wonder
if it should worry me.
It doesn't.
I also wonder why.
What exactly it is
that make me

Denial is
a thing of the past.
As is my naive heart
and that,
without wonder
worries me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

When you can't translate everything into poetry

A leafy arch overlooks
A tea stall tucked
Under the clouds
Stone tables
And stone benches
A pet dog sniffing
With curiosity
And an obvious grin.

Just then the clouds come in
Oblivious to surroundings.
Dragon flies against
The grey of the sky
And right there
With the sun in your eyes..
It's you.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Against the green

On a toy train, I skipped away
Curves and bends down the way.
It's a steep climb
There - you see the town in the valley
And just before that,
The train tracks you left behind
Running together.
Always together.
Reminding me of his take
On life. On love.

Right then I peep out
Of my toy train's
Toy window.
Into the sunlight.
An inch further.
Another inch further away.
And just then
His smile illuminates
The door he's standing at.

I'm a long way from home
And it's going to
Be a longer journey back.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

as most cities are

Lightning demarcates
boundaries of clouds
blanketing this inky night.
It's a lonely city
as most cities are
an occasional passer-by
and a painful pull.

Who knows how much havoc
intermittent flashes of
lightning cause.
They sure light up the world
for a tiny second
and there.
But they're unaccompanied
by thunder.
Or rain.
Much like this city -
lone, alone.

They say everybody
grows up.
And grows hard and unforgiving.
Life then, I believe
was never a child.
And living - never child's play.

Where do you run?
As the world watched you.
Where do you hide?
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