Sunday, March 27, 2011

just go with the seasons

She viewed the world
through camera lens.
The beautiful
froze in her mind

He was at once
more pragmatic
more romantic.
But his eyes didn't move
to the things she looked at
things that enchanted
for his eyes were too transfixed on
the way her eyes moved
the way her hair came
on her face
At once.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Don't listen to Santa too much!

So we sit talking of the Lotus Sutra.
Ain't a beginning.
Or an end to it.

The preface to nothing. The beginning of a big hollowness.
I want to put my finger on it nevertheless.

We take the beating to live through everyday.
And each day - we wait for the big thing to happen.
To arrive.
We wait our entire lives for nothing to happen.
When does it arrive?
When does it really happen? It's all a preparation for..?

But then again. It'd be a big cliche to say that the present is all we have to live for.
We have much more. We have nothing.
On the same continuum of thinking in terms of illusions.

I stopped making sense.
Long ago.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


There's a reason why
all the love songs
on my playlist
are lying ignored and dusty.
They feel
I don't love them.

god knows I want to break free

It just so happens
love of my life,
the roads I travel
and imagery
and phrases
I come across
greens and wild blues
become a part of me.

Increasing my love
for me.
Love of my life.

but life still goes on

Monday, March 7, 2011


Human beings are strange.
Outright weird.

I certainly am.

Or so I'd like to believe.
I have a hundred synonyms for complicated. Just one antonym - simple.
Keep it simple. I don't know how many times I've heard that one.

The reason I keep returning to them. The reason I keep returning to this blog. The reason I miss myself. Just as if I can't return to the one thing that used to give any solace to me.
I regret throwing away the "I heart me" t-shirt now.