Sunday, December 18, 2011


is where I started this journey
it was in a jar that
lights began twinkling

and it is now
almost an age later
that I drive through
under fireflies
which mark the moment
as the best part of the evening
one spent with friends
and deafening beats

but distance is what
creeps in
when you're not there
despite being there
distance creeps in
when your love hasn't
been yours
in as long as you remember
distance creeps in
when you haven't had a moment to
to ponder
or just to do nothing
nothing at all

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jobs and Itunes

in your love, my salvation lies
in your love, my salvation lies
in your love, my salvation lies

in your love, in your love, in

humming a tune
not known before
in your
life as you'd known it

stood beneath an
orange sky

these days
and nights
bought in exchange
for many a dreams
lost and shattered

i just feel
as if it's time
to pack and


in transit

for the love of
brown eyes
and butter
and sanity

i will be found
when the locks
on my suitcase
are worn enough
and the souvenirs
from travels
stuck securely
to the fridge

when i have
home to come back to
and when friends
and the past
do not do this
on nights alone
in an empty house

the title now
makes sense
like the dent marks
we often put
on cars
and each other

in your love, my salvation lies

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

moonlit are the nights

and a lot of it

like the first
awkward moment
between you
and the one
you couldn't stop
thinking about
the night after
your first dance
you really did throw
your heels off
and dance like
a mad person

she tells you
how he still
gushes over
that one night
and inside
that eighteen-something-ness
takes over

you don't know
whether you wanna
turn old and grey
or stay right here
and being longed for

summer songs
winter nights
monsoon rains
autumn leaves
and the colours
they bring

how many adventures
are you to bring
the smiles
and the tears
to continue
just don't
run out on me

Monday, October 17, 2011

dark highways and slanted faces

you are
my heart's
and there is
nothing left to
disagree with

one sole song
lasting me the
last hundred kilometres
it was you
just you
against the dark
unlit highway
it was you
against yellow beams
of travel

your face
and the meaning
of this existence

heavy eyelids
heavy from
exhaustion and
the hours between
now and when
you leave

there's been this night
and one last year
forever etched upon
my memory

Sunday, October 16, 2011

not my playlist

a sunlit morning

i'm alone
but i'm not lonely

bring the sunshine
back to my eyes
wait for me
i'm not ready
to string words together
without music
to face cities
without you

as i turn page
over page
the thought
and smell
of my city
there's a different design
and purpose
behind that skyline

your fingers streak
sunsets there
as your breath
clouds my thoughts

i can only ink -
you can paint

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Obituary of a friendship

With several hundred miles between us
Different landscapes
Different skies
Different sunsets and sunrises
This is the place
Where my road parts, my friend.

I have lost.
Yes, I have lost.
But my life has
A tune and a rhythm
A love to keep me
Warm through
Lonely winter nights.
And dreams
Filling my starry eyes.

I angle myself as to
Be able to see
The rearview mirror
Of my car
Driving on to the mountains
Bumpy roads
And thus this scrawl
On a sunny October morning.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

when my soul embarks

My pieces of prose and poetry get a title later. Much after writing the whole way through. And the title is usually a line from the playlist at that moment. Life is much like that.

A half done tattoo.
Two weeks of separation.
Turning your face away.
Crying within four walls.
Vagabond feelings.
An unrecognizable face in the mirror.
Holding on.
Moving ahead.
Plans of drunkenness.
Lumps in my throat.

It is a half-written story. Changing course, finding meanders at every bend of the road. But there's only one life we get. And constant detours are going to take us only this far.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


पूरे का पूरा आकाश घुमा कर बाज़ी देखी मैंने

काले घर में सूरज रख के

तुम ने शायद सोचा था

मेरे सब मोहरे पिट जायेंगे

मैंने एक चिराग जला कर अपना रास्ता खोल लिया

तुम ने एक समंदर हाथ में ले कर मुझ पर ढेल दिया

मैंने नूह की कश्ती उस के ऊपर रख दी

काल चला तुम ने और मेरी जानिब देखा

मैंने काल को तोड़ कर लम्हा लम्हा जीना सीख लिया

मेरी खुदी को तुम ने चंद चमत्कारों से मारना चाहा

मेरे एक प्यादे ने तेरा चाँद का मोहरा मार लिया

मौत की शह दे कर तुम ने समझा था अब तो मात हुई

मैंने जिस्म का खोल उतार कर सौंप दिया

और रूह बचा ली

पूरे का पूरा आकाश घुमा कर अब तुम देखो बाज़ी

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will you notice?

i will hold on hope
and i won't let you choke

Heartbroken. Broken. A broken mind.
One impulse. One fleeting minute. One weak moment.
Kudos to drunken nights?

i will not hear what you have to say

One look at the past.
At the simplicity and joy. At the harmony.
Tumultuous times have to end. Or kill.

Looking for defense mechanisms on your playlist. Sure sign of marbles already lost.
And depressed dusting, heavy eyelids galore.
It's an alien world. It's an alien writing this. Voices lost. Tears too inexpensive.
Screaming to be heard. With holes in your heart. And lost hope.

i know the shame in your defeat

Going back to the start? Going back to the truth. And me.
Wishful thinking.

cause i need freedom now
and i need to know how
to live my life as it's meant to be

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

redoing it

pigeons followed him
as he walked on
little bread crumbs
that he threw out
gobbled greedily

then one day
he stopped
having faith
in himself
his pigeons
and he said:

Monday, July 18, 2011

see you soon

I've heard so many anecdotes, so many stories. So many words about you.
It's as if the process of giving up saw completion that Friday night.
I'm guessing you made it all happen. You made it all come true. That Friday night.

Some hours later, you were gone. And gone for good.

Leaving behind a million thoughts. Some happy shiny memories. From a childhood so far away. And some regrets.
And. A void.

A hundred blessings rise up, stretching their arms, trying to reach you. Hearts here hoping that wherever you are, you're in a better place. Breathing. Happy.

It's as if time has come to a stand still. Where everybody is quiet, all around, absorbing you and your words. Revering. Remembering. Some happy shiny memories, and some regrets.
Most of all, I see people in inertia, loved. By you. So so loved.
Your face smiles upon all of us. Simple.

Your words are read out for people to hear. Most of us are half-listening, half lost in thoughts. From a summer years ago. Or the last conversation they could have.
Larger than life, they say. Surreal, I say.
An ocean on fire, a mountain standing tall, ripe mustard in a vast field, and a calm river but ever-joyous.
No matter how hard I try, I'll never be able to put into words what you are. To me. To us.
Thank you for being my father.

I hope I've been a good daughter. Because for me, it's enough to be able to call myself your daughter.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Am I packing?
Packing to leave?

Cause once the stuff is securely in bags and cartons which claim to be fragile, it's not gonna be easy to unpack. There isn't a second time.
I've always thought there is a certain romance to my journey. Especially for those who will never be able to trace me to, well, wherever I am at the moment.

A goodbye note shouldn't be written with aching nearly-broken knuckles. It should be happy - reminiscent of the times under grey skies while you always knew you belonged elsewhere. Where that is, who knows. Or cares.
A goodbye note.

Goodbye. For good.

There's hardly anything pinning me here anymore. And as I change track, spaces shall see a shift too. I'll carry all that's mine, you take all that's yours.
And we'll be back in the winter of 2009, when books written for girls were read by me. Memories envied. Photos longed for.

All that said and done, been there, done that.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

life size

that I only hear
but I'm sure
they talk of love

a love
separated by distance
and circumstances

a love
separated by geography
and constraints

a love
separated by human nature
and a habit
to continue habits

sudden and tearing
glass doors open
to the sky
where two
and battered
each more than
the other
come together
even if only in spirit

if at all.

dozens of them

and an ever-growing pile
of work
and worries
in the usual humdrum
with the usual humdrum.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Amusing Mr Keets

I read Neruda.
And Yeats.

Random piece of information, but it was a few years ago that I found Yeats was really Yates. Not Yeets. Nothing close to Mr 'Keets'.

Anyway. Not important. The point being - I read both Neruda and Yeats on the same night. Or a little before dawn, really.
I have Facebook and Gmail open on the same browser. What am I looking for?

Tonight. I was looking for tonight. A night. Any night.
The only highlight was watching Dumbledore die. And even that was depressing.

The word would be.. Anyway. Again.

Love is such a beautiful thing to read about. Or write about. Or imagine. As long as you don't have to deal with it, it's beautiful. Cause once you do, it just doesn't feel worth it.

I really wanted to write poetry. Cause this space is NOT a journal. But for tonight, which is really just another night, reading Neruda and Yeats and gasping at their ability to bring out the best in words will be it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


after the storm

gates thrown open
to insects
flying about
bumping into
the street lamp
monsoon rain droplets
illuminated by
mute white
as they rest
on hanging wires
and many

the scene outside
my window
is frozen
unable to move
any more
no more

facing me
hurts eyes
and is reduced
a little bug
blown off
as it tracks
new paths
new life


and melancholy

Friday, June 10, 2011

~ exterior ~

Love is over-rated. But is it?
Cause when you're intellectually convinced, you go back to check if you're emotionally convinced too.


Hundreds of them.

It's funny how things you need and things you want aren't the same. But then you probably knew this all along. Maybe not. All the while when you were writing yourself off, nobody reminded you second class isn't the way to do it. And maybe being second class for so long makes you believe there isn't another way. It's the same thing as telling the same lie a thousand times to convince people it's the truth. Somewhere the truth gets lost. Here the self got lost.

Without options. Without the option of even the self. Now c'mon - you would agree that's not asking for too much, this being the 21st century and all.

A thousand different things at the same time. Voices. Screaming. Louder. Louder. Louder. Blames. Accusations. Screaming. The "past". (What the hell is this past anyway? Cause it's too goddam complicated.) Louder. Drowning. Games. Strategies. Astounded. Louder.

And there are things which you must consider. Why.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Upper case doesn't matter

There is a world
of poetry
Usually accompanied by
brief spells of rain
or french songs
a cup of tea after
the sun rise.

That world
talks most
of love
A love I don't feel
everyday, anymore.
I wonder
if it should worry me.
It doesn't.
I also wonder why.
What exactly it is
that make me

Denial is
a thing of the past.
As is my naive heart
and that,
without wonder
worries me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

When you can't translate everything into poetry

A leafy arch overlooks
A tea stall tucked
Under the clouds
Stone tables
And stone benches
A pet dog sniffing
With curiosity
And an obvious grin.

Just then the clouds come in
Oblivious to surroundings.
Dragon flies against
The grey of the sky
And right there
With the sun in your eyes..
It's you.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Against the green

On a toy train, I skipped away
Curves and bends down the way.
It's a steep climb
There - you see the town in the valley
And just before that,
The train tracks you left behind
Running together.
Always together.
Reminding me of his take
On life. On love.

Right then I peep out
Of my toy train's
Toy window.
Into the sunlight.
An inch further.
Another inch further away.
And just then
His smile illuminates
The door he's standing at.

I'm a long way from home
And it's going to
Be a longer journey back.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

as most cities are

Lightning demarcates
boundaries of clouds
blanketing this inky night.
It's a lonely city
as most cities are
an occasional passer-by
and a painful pull.

Who knows how much havoc
intermittent flashes of
lightning cause.
They sure light up the world
for a tiny second
and there.
But they're unaccompanied
by thunder.
Or rain.
Much like this city -
lone, alone.

They say everybody
grows up.
And grows hard and unforgiving.
Life then, I believe
was never a child.
And living - never child's play.

Where do you run?
As the world watched you.
Where do you hide?
Maximum text support.

Monday, April 18, 2011

bilateral relations in the wake of isolation

distant fireflies
ever so intermittently

light bugs
taking birth
as soon as
the first drops
of this rain
- awaited -

a union with
wisps of dark clouds
- awaited -

a yellow
filters through
silhouettes of curtains
when so much
is in transit
this wind
the smell of it
a lingering
and fervent hope
for sanity.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's April

But that is no reason to write a post.

I'm just too sick of reading pseudo-patriotic cricket posts by everyone. And tired of trying to understand.
So I came back to what makes me most happy.
*big smiley*

It's high time this blog had a "Me" tag.

And I just realized it's raining.
It delighted me.
Delighted me to the point where I threw open my glass walls to the rain outside. The patter. The fragrance. Open to the romance of it.

That's when I made the call.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

just go with the seasons

She viewed the world
through camera lens.
The beautiful
froze in her mind

He was at once
more pragmatic
more romantic.
But his eyes didn't move
to the things she looked at
things that enchanted
for his eyes were too transfixed on
the way her eyes moved
the way her hair came
on her face
At once.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Don't listen to Santa too much!

So we sit talking of the Lotus Sutra.
Ain't a beginning.
Or an end to it.

The preface to nothing. The beginning of a big hollowness.
I want to put my finger on it nevertheless.

We take the beating to live through everyday.
And each day - we wait for the big thing to happen.
To arrive.
We wait our entire lives for nothing to happen.
When does it arrive?
When does it really happen? It's all a preparation for..?

But then again. It'd be a big cliche to say that the present is all we have to live for.
We have much more. We have nothing.
On the same continuum of thinking in terms of illusions.

I stopped making sense.
Long ago.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


There's a reason why
all the love songs
on my playlist
are lying ignored and dusty.
They feel
I don't love them.

god knows I want to break free

It just so happens
love of my life,
the roads I travel
and imagery
and phrases
I come across
greens and wild blues
become a part of me.

Increasing my love
for me.
Love of my life.

but life still goes on

Monday, March 7, 2011


Human beings are strange.
Outright weird.

I certainly am.

Or so I'd like to believe.
I have a hundred synonyms for complicated. Just one antonym - simple.
Keep it simple. I don't know how many times I've heard that one.

The reason I keep returning to them. The reason I keep returning to this blog. The reason I miss myself. Just as if I can't return to the one thing that used to give any solace to me.
I regret throwing away the "I heart me" t-shirt now.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Not on loop

This love's all you and I got
to love and be loved
on end absolute
in the other, quite another.


This life's all you and I got
our time is short
who knows what the next corner
you turn, bring?


This is about lilies and ink
echoing your colours
happily, unhappily
even so.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It cannot wait

This song hasn't been loved by me in ages. Like an old once-upon-a-time loved shirt.
Things that have seen and carry with them the intelligence and foolishness, laughs and thoughts of the numerous days of sunshine. And those which weren't so sunny.
Suddenly you wake up to find that you can't fit into them anymore.

It breaks my heart to throw an old loved shirt out. It breaks my heart further when I wear that shirt for the sake of it. Just a day longer. For old times' sake.
For old times' sake.
But what have we thought in our not-so-sober moments? In our cmon-old-times'-sake moments?

there's no need to complicate
our time is short
this is our fate

Why we love, why we don't. Why we seek, why we recognize. Why we catch each other's eyes and turn away.
But then. Oh tell me why.
A second more than necessary.
And things that you take for granted, and like an idiot it crashes on you - when you're writing completely random things that you didn't even know your head housed.

my breath fogged up the glass
so i drew a new face
and laughed

Yep yep. Open up your mind.. See like me. Open your plans. Free.
After all, it IS your godforsaken right to be loved.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Slipping away
and a tipsy moment
when all control is
willingly abandoned.

But then again
haven't I willing

I'm in a place
where tugs aren't
strong enough
and roots
not deep enough.
Routine revisits.

et cetera.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

...and what about women?

The first time a teacher inspired me to write. And write something which moves. Moves me.
Gives me the impression of swinging slightly on a vine on a grey monsoon day. Afternoon. With an empty house facing me.

Bringing me to this house. Home. Telling him about my brother getting married was hard.
More so cause I didn't know what to make of his "Oh."
This winter seems to have it's troughs. Dips.

I don't know how to deal with them. I try and I fall, overdoing and then holding back..never happy. Never true.
Aimless, wandering.
And then a form of liberation. Behen chod sutta.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Or maybe it was love

This was meant to be happy.
I swear to god it was meant to be happy.

As was life. Everyday. Happy.
Not darker as I delved deeper. Not brighter as long as I remained on the surface.
I turn to Ritter for comfort. Maybe we have the answers all along, but we just like looking for them. As an excuse for something to do. As an excuse to be human.

Walking between the racks in the library and taking books home - just cause the cover illustration is nice, or the woman on it beautiful - is something I've always done. And enjoyed.
I've loved rain, and cake batter. Wearing the same pair of jeans, creating ripples. Cocoons, a few songs I can hum, and drives around dusk. Fighting for inane reasons and laughing when I didn't want to. At all.
Yes, I've loved. Cause at the end of the day, the purpose of loving is the pounding it takes.
