Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Am I packing?
Packing to leave?

Cause once the stuff is securely in bags and cartons which claim to be fragile, it's not gonna be easy to unpack. There isn't a second time.
I've always thought there is a certain romance to my journey. Especially for those who will never be able to trace me to, well, wherever I am at the moment.

A goodbye note shouldn't be written with aching nearly-broken knuckles. It should be happy - reminiscent of the times under grey skies while you always knew you belonged elsewhere. Where that is, who knows. Or cares.
A goodbye note.

Goodbye. For good.

There's hardly anything pinning me here anymore. And as I change track, spaces shall see a shift too. I'll carry all that's mine, you take all that's yours.
And we'll be back in the winter of 2009, when books written for girls were read by me. Memories envied. Photos longed for.

All that said and done, been there, done that.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

life size

that I only hear
but I'm sure
they talk of love

a love
separated by distance
and circumstances

a love
separated by geography
and constraints

a love
separated by human nature
and a habit
to continue habits

sudden and tearing
glass doors open
to the sky
where two
and battered
each more than
the other
come together
even if only in spirit

if at all.

dozens of them

and an ever-growing pile
of work
and worries
in the usual humdrum
with the usual humdrum.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Amusing Mr Keets

I read Neruda.
And Yeats.

Random piece of information, but it was a few years ago that I found Yeats was really Yates. Not Yeets. Nothing close to Mr 'Keets'.

Anyway. Not important. The point being - I read both Neruda and Yeats on the same night. Or a little before dawn, really.
I have Facebook and Gmail open on the same browser. What am I looking for?

Tonight. I was looking for tonight. A night. Any night.
The only highlight was watching Dumbledore die. And even that was depressing.

The word would be.. Anyway. Again.

Love is such a beautiful thing to read about. Or write about. Or imagine. As long as you don't have to deal with it, it's beautiful. Cause once you do, it just doesn't feel worth it.

I really wanted to write poetry. Cause this space is NOT a journal. But for tonight, which is really just another night, reading Neruda and Yeats and gasping at their ability to bring out the best in words will be it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


after the storm

gates thrown open
to insects
flying about
bumping into
the street lamp
monsoon rain droplets
illuminated by
mute white
as they rest
on hanging wires
and many

the scene outside
my window
is frozen
unable to move
any more
no more

facing me
hurts eyes
and is reduced
a little bug
blown off
as it tracks
new paths
new life


and melancholy

Friday, June 10, 2011

~ exterior ~

Love is over-rated. But is it?
Cause when you're intellectually convinced, you go back to check if you're emotionally convinced too.


Hundreds of them.

It's funny how things you need and things you want aren't the same. But then you probably knew this all along. Maybe not. All the while when you were writing yourself off, nobody reminded you second class isn't the way to do it. And maybe being second class for so long makes you believe there isn't another way. It's the same thing as telling the same lie a thousand times to convince people it's the truth. Somewhere the truth gets lost. Here the self got lost.

Without options. Without the option of even the self. Now c'mon - you would agree that's not asking for too much, this being the 21st century and all.

A thousand different things at the same time. Voices. Screaming. Louder. Louder. Louder. Blames. Accusations. Screaming. The "past". (What the hell is this past anyway? Cause it's too goddam complicated.) Louder. Drowning. Games. Strategies. Astounded. Louder.

And there are things which you must consider. Why.