From the zebra crossing.
My phone lit intermittently. Off ringer. Off vibration.
He said he wasn't in a mood to talk. So I plugged in my earphones.
They say no language can be adequately translated.
Aamake aamar moton thakte dao
Aami nije ke nije moton guchiye niyechi.
Driving through Calcutta near about dusk. Always breathtaking.
The bill boards are just lit up, brake lights and signals are all fresh. Dewy almost.
Light shines in fragmented rays from beyond the lake. The lake with lavender wild-flowers. They're a song on their own.
It's always, with the universe. One pulse. Pulsating.
He's singing of life in the background.
Ei toh jibon.
Life has a certain romance to it. And everything, a shine to it. In hindsight.
Remember telling her about how I love my mistakes. Fiercely. How else are you young, irrational and extreme?
I'm going to be 17, for a while.